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India’s Community Radio Stations deserve more space

India’s community radio sector boasts of nearly 200 community radio stations. Most of these serve vibrant communities and help them emerge from the shadows of the digital divide. These community radio stations are also the source of important information for these communities. Much of the information that these radio stations …

Institutional Innovation for Sustainable Growth: Leveraging Community Models and Collaborative Mechanisms towards resource-efficient markets and economies

As India is witnessing rapid economic transitions under a young demographic backdrop, the administrative systems are also witnessing a period of dynamic transition as Information Technology is improving last mile delivery and the efforts to catalyse Cooperative Federalism have been initiated through the Niti Aayog. It is evident that for …

People’s Agenda for Uttar Pradesh

With a string of assembly elections scheduled throughout 2017, Indian politics is once again seeing a juggling of ideas, with every policy action bearing significant political and public significance. Social equity and environmental sustainability issues in particularly gained a lot of credence in the agenda of our political parties lately. …

Enhancing the 5 capitals – reducing our footprints and living in balance

The exchange of goods and services amongst people represents the economy as we know it today. However, we know that these transactions draw upon resources in the natural system represented by exchanges between people and nature. This heavily influences interactions within the natural system impacting the capacities of the natural …

India’s transition to a Green, Fair and Inclusive Economy

India’s recent development experience has been both a spectacular success as well as a massive failure. While our economy has grown steadily, this growth has come at the cost of environmental sustainability and has failed to translate into better living conditions for the majority of the Indian people. The Indian …