“To Choose Our Future”
“To Choose Our Future” is an attempt to summarise some of the lessons learnt by Development Alternatives from its 30-odd years of journey through India, analysing what went wrong in these transitions and how they can be put right for the future. Its perspective is universal and its aim is to identify the changes needed to make India a good place for the poor, the well-off and for the future generations. It tries to suggest ways by which a more sustainable balance can be achieved among different segments of the society, between society and the natural ecosystems that have to subsidise much of the wealth creation process.
It presents a reasoned case for bringing substantial changes in national priorities, as a means of bringing the future trajectory of India’s economy into line with the imperatives of its social and environmental resources. Here, we present the 5 basic Principles (the “Development Alternatives Panchsheel”), which must be satisfied by policies and interventions that are intended to create a sustainable future for India.
Principle 1: Commitment to Universality and Inclusion
Principle 2: Adopting Lifestyles of Sufficiency
Principle 3: Designing Systemically for Efficiency
Principle 4: Building Diversity for Resilience
Principle 5: Regenerating Nature and Protecting Life
For more information, please contact:
Development Alternatives World Headquarters
B 32 TARA Crescent, Qutub Institutional Area,New Delhi 110016, India
Tel: +91-11-2654-4100, 2654-4444, Fax: +91-11-2685-1158
Email: mail@devalt.org, Website: www.devalt.org
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