Enhancing the 5 capitals – reducing our footprints and living in balance

The exchange of goods and services amongst people represents the economy as we know it today. However, we know that these transactions draw upon resources in the natural system represented by exchanges between people and nature. This heavily influences interactions within the natural system impacting the capacities of the natural …

India’s transition to a Green, Fair and Inclusive Economy

India’s recent development experience has been both a spectacular success as well as a massive failure. While our economy has grown steadily, this growth has come at the cost of environmental sustainability and has failed to translate into better living conditions for the majority of the Indian people. The Indian …

Commitment to Implementation: Gearing up for COP22

The Paris Agreement reached the threshold for formally entering into force this October, bringing into existence the first-ever universal, legally binding global climate deal. Until now as signatories to the agreement, it was just a commitment. But now after 55 countries with cumulative emissions accounting for 55% of the global …

Credit based Eco Housing model for Rural areas of India

Providing adequate shelter for its rural population continues to be a major challenge. Development Alternatives in collaboration with Fondazione FEM Onlus did an action research project on ‘credit-based eco housing for the rural populate of Bundelkhand region” in central India, which aimed towards provision of low coast eco-friendly housing for …