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Launch of ‘Supermini Courses’ on systems play
The potential of systems thinking and social innovation to effect significant change at multiple different scales is massive, especially in the development sector. However, a lack of accessible resources and modules around this school of thought limit its potential to be utilised by actors and stakeholders in the field. Development …
Habitat as Enabler of Rural Livelihoods
Synergistic Action for Accelerated Impact
Micro businesses are the backbone of today’s economies and their growth is of great importance for job creation and economic welfare. In India, there are approximately 1.5 million registered MSMEs, out of which 94 per cent are micro enterprises. Among these micro enterprises, 67 per cent are manufacturing units, 17 …
Unleashing Entrepreneurial Energies …a step towards empowerment
The emerging Indian economy is characterised by un-paralleled dynamism owing to a new wave of technology and market transitions, as well as structural changes in the macro-economic environment. The ‘Entrepreneurship for Empowerment’ programme is conceptualised as a response to this dynamism — to enable vulnerable communities to adapt to these …
Is Sustainable Tourism a New Idea?
The World Tourism and Travel Council estimates that the tourism sector will grow at a rate of 7% annually over the next decade1, an estimate that may well be somewhat conservative. The sector can also generate significant demand for transportation, resource-heavy infrastructure and energy-intensive activities leading to undesirable ecological damage …