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Aspirations Unshackled… Opportunities Unearthed

The number of employed individuals saw a decrease of 10.9 million from December 2017 to December 2018, according to a report by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy. The break-down of employment statistics tells us that 8.8 million jobs lost in 2018 were by women, of which 6.5 million belonged …

Unleashing Entrepreneurial Energies …a step towards empowerment

The emerging Indian economy is characterised by un-paralleled dynamism owing to a new wave of technology and market transitions, as well as structural changes in the macro-economic environment. The ‘Entrepreneurship for Empowerment’ programme is conceptualised as a response to this dynamism — to enable vulnerable communities to adapt to these …

Financial Innovation for Inclusion

Over 30,000 young women and men enter the labour market each day in India, and the economy generates employment for less than half of this rapidly expanding workforce. In this race for jobs, only a small fraction finds formal sector employment, leaving more than 80 per cent in the informal …

Local entrepreneurship : Seeds of hope in the times of corporate chaos

India, as most other countries, needs communities that are significantly more resilient, with less dependence on externally sourced products and services for basic needs fulfillment.  It is imperative, therefore, that transformation towards a truly sustainable society be driven through business models with distributed epicenters of local value creation. These models …