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India’s Community Radio Stations deserve more space

India’s community radio sector boasts of nearly 200 community radio stations. Most of these serve vibrant communities and help them emerge from the shadows of the digital divide. These community radio stations are also the source of important information for these communities. Much of the information that these radio stations …

Sustainable Consumption and Production: The Story So Far

Burgeoning consumption and the corresponding exploitation of our planet’s finite natural resources have largely contributed to the sustainability problems the 21st century faces. The creation of such an ‘accumulation economy’1 has not only put ecological services at risk but also poverty alleviation and development gains, undermining present and future human and planetary …

Post – 2015 South Asia Development Agenda: A Report by South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme

On 26th June 2014 at the First United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), the “Post 2015 South Asia Development Agenda” report was Launched by the South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP) in collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).  South Asia with its eight countries – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, …

Means of Implementation: Role of technology, finance, and institutions

Creating a sustainable future for the Nation means that all the spheres of human activity – economic, social, environmental, governance and, above all, value systems – must function together at a whole new level of coherence and synergy. Previous trialogue 2047 discussions have explored the principles of designing a national development strategy …

A Transformative Post-2015 Development Agenda

The world faces an enormous challenge:  how to lift more than one billion people out of extreme poverty and meet the livelihood and resource needs of a projected nine billion people in 2050, while keeping climate change, biodiversity loss and other impacts within acceptable limits? Recognizing the scale of this …