“Corona se nahi toh bhook se mar jayenge”

Migrant workers walk along a road to return to their villages, during the nationwide lockdown to limit the spreading of coronavirus, in New Delhi. Picture Source: Deccan Herald March 24, 2020? In times of a pandemic, when you’re locked inside your house preoccupied with household chores, working from home, or …

Ternary Approach to Development Funding: Triangular Cooperation

South-South Cooperation (SSC) is a broad framework of collaboration among countries of the Global South in the political, economic, social, cultural, environmental and technical domains. Involving two or more developing countries, it can take place on a bilateral, regional, intra-regional or inter-regional basis. SSC has existed for at least sixty years …

Addressing India’s Water Crisis

The story of India’s water crisis today is not an accidental occurrence. What is unfolding in front of us has been warned by both experts and practitioners several times over the last decade. According to a report “Composite Water Management Index”, published by NITI Aayog in June 2018, India is …

Redefining Our Approach to Achieving Scale

The desire to create social and environmental impact at scale is central to the mission of many social purpose organisations. Their ability to do so on the strength of grant funding has become constrained in recent years. In such a scenario, how do traditional Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) or other not-for …

How safe are we at work?

Humanity faces serious challenges in the coming decades. With rise in economic activity, there has been increased environmental degradation and adverse social impacts. Today, we face some of the gravest challenges. The “climate” situation has moved from being called “climate change” to “climate emergency” threatening to further worsen in the …