Changing Face of Rural Communication

Development is a course of action that marks growth, progress, positive change in the physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic components of a community or region.  It also means effective utilisation of local resources by bringing the necessary institutional, structural and attitudinal change of the local population.  The idea of …

Can Jal Shakti Abhiyan Alleviate Our Water Crisis?

The story of India’s water crisis today is not an accidental occurrence. What is unfolding in front of us has been warned by both experts and practitioners several times over. By 2030, the crisis can deepen by 40% more if business as usual continues. The Central Ground Water Board in …

How are Food and the Environment related?

Are we killing the environment or is it killing us? When we look at what we eat and how we grow it, we find extensive evidence for damage both to our food (from pollution and soil depletion) and to our environment (from the toxicity of growing foods industrially). How what …

Clean Technology Trends and Needs

In the academic and development sector, clean technologies are defined as those innovations which take care of the people and the planet, are resource efficient, utilise as much waste as possible and emit much lesser carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. If we look at the global trend over the last …