The Power of Entrepreneurship

The Indian economy has shown remarkable rates of growth, and yet, unemployment is rising and a major share of the country’s population remains underemployed. This contradiction points towards the complexity and changing dynamics of the job market. Sustainable development requires narrowing the current employment gap and meeting the aspirations and …

Resource Efficiency for Sustainable Wellbeing of All

For centuries, our development and economic prosperity has depended on production of more and more goods and services. This has led to an ever-growing consumption of natural resources, which in turn has required an ever-increasing extraction and depletion of these resources from Mother Earth. The emerging results are severe threats …

Green and Inclusive Public Procurement Driving Change – Advocating the case of social housing in India

The pursuit of human prosperity for all within planetary boundaries, as committed by governments as part of the Global Agenda 2030, requires that national policy strategies address sustainability in consumption and production of goods and services in all economic sectors. This has appropriately put the lens on ‘public procurement’ as …

Indian Trucking Industry – Skilling the Supply Chain

The Indian trucking industry is the core of logistics movement and country’s growth. According to vice-president of the All India Motor Transport Congress (AIMTC), more than 12 crore people in the country are directly and indirectly dependent on the freight transport industry for their living. However, this segment is highly …

Environment Education is the Need of the Hour

While India has one of the fastest growing population in the world today, it is far behind most others when it comes to preserving the environment and the ecology. Air pollution, ground water depletion, climate change, use of plastics, garbage disposal and sanitation, loss of biodiversity are some of the …