Aspirations Unshackled… Opportunities Unearthed

The number of employed individuals saw a decrease of 10.9 million from December 2017 to December 2018, according to a report by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy. The break-down of employment statistics tells us that 8.8 million jobs lost in 2018 were by women, of which 6.5 million belonged …

Revamping the Indian Agricultural System

The Indian agricultural system having a ‘productionist’ approach, is highly resource intensive and has not invested much in the quality and management of natural resources. Neither has it translated to higher incomes for small holder farmers which could have reduced the need to migrate. The natural resources such as land, …

Launch of ‘Supermini Courses’ on systems play

The potential of systems thinking and social innovation to effect significant change at multiple different scales is massive, especially in the development sector. However, a lack of accessible resources and modules around this school of thought limit its potential to be utilised by actors and stakeholders in the field. Development …

Waste Recycling – Time to Realise the Potential

India is the second largest populated country in the world. With increasing urbanisation and infrastructure development, consumption patterns are changing. Estimates show that waste generation in India will increase by 5% each year. However, in terms of waste utilisation, statistics claim that India is far behind the European and other …