TARAgram Yatra 2015: Building Resilience in Agriculture for Food Security

About 85 percent of the farmers in India are marginal and small farmers. More than half of such farmers live in a resource constraint system with limited land availability, water scarcity and access to sources of energy. Bundelkhand is one such difficult terrain where farmers face approximately two droughts in …

TARAgram Yatra 2015: Energy Driving Low-Carbon Local Economies

Physically weary but mentally invigorated, eight TARAgram Yatris sit in a quiet corner at the Patna Airport. These eight Yatris wore several hats over the last two days: of cross country marathoners traversing 400 kms across Bihar, of accountants trying to understand the economics of a decentralised renewable energy model, of …

Electric Vehicles: The Wise Person Knows Watt’s Up

Electric Vehicles: The Wise Person Knows Watt’s Up

This is going to be a blog post about electric vehicles. But more than anything, it’s a post that stems from the world of energy and the world of cars. Admittedly, both are complex worlds and anyone who works in the field of sustainability will acknowledge that both worlds are …

This is going to be a blog post about electric vehicles. But more than anything, it’s a post that stems from the world of energy and the world of cars. Admittedly, both are complex worlds and anyone who works in the field of sustainability will acknowledge that both worlds are …


Development Alternatives (DA) in collaboration with the Delhi Government has piloted the initiative of ‘Decentralised Waste Management’ in E-block of Saraswati Vihar, Pitampura. The project is being supported by the Department of Environment, Government of National Capital Territory. Development Alternatives has built capacities of residents, implemented decentralised waste management practise …