Sustainable Consumption and Production: The Story So Far

Burgeoning consumption and the corresponding exploitation of our planet’s finite natural resources have largely contributed to the sustainability problems the 21st century faces. The creation of such an ‘accumulation economy’1 has not only put ecological services at risk but also poverty alleviation and development gains, undermining present and future human and planetary …

Food Security: The Big Question of Resources

The ninth discussion in the series of trialogue 2047, explored the nexus between Water-Energy-Food in understanding food security. Six eminent speakers from the areas of agriculture, systems, and resource studies joined us for this trialogue 2047. The key speakers were Dr Ashok Khosla, Chairman, Development Alternatives; Dr Biksham Gujja, Chairman, AgSri Agricultural Services Pvt. Ltd; Dr …

Economic Development through Women Empowerment

Yes, that’s true, you read it right! Over the last couple of years, women, particularly in the rural areas have started to take upon  themselves the task of ensuring income generation and local economic development in their villages. The factors responsible for this transition are not only widespread unemployment, but …

Unseasonal Rainfall in Bundelkhand– Bane not boon for the farming communities

Unseasonal weather disturbances in recent years have become a phenomenon, which has affected food security and livelihoods of people across the country. The recent heavy rainfall in North India have not just elongated the winter months for the people, but have adversely affected the farming community. Farmers across North India …