A Journey to Orchha/TARAgram Yatra

My Journey from New Delhi to Orchha in Madhya Pradesh was full of confusion, questions and challenges, which were completely leading me to an uncertain state of mind. However, my optimism of getting clarity soon yielded fruitful results, as I witnessed the finest practices of climate adaptation and sustainable livelihood …

Countdown to TARAgram Yatra 2014 – “To Choose Our Future”

“It is not the strongest who survive or the most intelligent; the one who can change with time is the one who would survive,” Charles Darwin, Origin of Species. To Change with time is one of the most important factor for the survival of species. Since the advent of industrial …


India is a vast country with complexities that do not lend themselves to easy fixes or simple adaptations of what might work elsewhere. All aspects of development in urban India are constrained by the poor cumulative quality of its urban infrastructure. This is compounded by urbanization rates that are too …

Sustaining Ecosystems and Livelihoods

Every entity has a pivotal role and place in the scheme of nature. Micro-organisms, plants, animals co-exist in different ecosystems such as coral reefs, forests, deserts, wild lands etc. Biodiversity refers to diversity or variety found in nature. Biodiversity boosts ecosystem’s productivity, where each species, no matter how small, all have …


‘Home is where the heart is,’ has changed for many in the rural India into ‘Home is where the job is.’ Post liberalization,  there has been an influx of people from rural areas to urban areas in search of jobs. A spurt in service sector opportunities and a decline in …

Mainstreaming Climate Change Concerns into Planning Processes

‘Gar firdaus bar-rue zamin ast, hamin asto, hamin asto, hamin ast .’ If there is ever a heaven on earth, it’s here, it’s here, it’s here. These were the words used by the Mughal emperor Jahangir in the 17th century to describe the beauty of Kashmir. This statement holds true for …