From MDGs to SDGs: Inducting Sustainable Agriculture in the Battle Against Poverty & Hunger
As the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approach their expiry date in 2015 and the world prepares for the Post – 2015 scenario by drawing up a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is prudent to reflect on the lessons emerging from the MDG experience. These lessons will prove important …

Means of Implementation: Role of technology, finance, and institutions
Creating a sustainable future for the Nation means that all the spheres of human activity – economic, social, environmental, governance and, above all, value systems – must function together at a whole new level of coherence and synergy. Previous trialogue 2047 discussions have explored the principles of designing a national development strategy …
Envisioning India @100
The Story of Stuff
A Transformative Post-2015 Development Agenda
The world faces an enormous challenge: how to lift more than one billion people out of extreme poverty and meet the livelihood and resource needs of a projected nine billion people in 2050, while keeping climate change, biodiversity loss and other impacts within acceptable limits? Recognizing the scale of this …