Plastics: Polluter can become Protector with Circular Economy Solutions

The first synthetic plastic – Bakelite – was produced in 1907, marking the beginning of the global plastics industry. Since its large-scale production from 1950, plastics have become a ubiquitous modern-economy material, combining unrivalled functional properties with low cost. Its unabated use and increasing release into the environment has placed …

Shaping an Inclusive ‘Future of Work’: From Technology to People

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, conversations around the ‘future of work’ have deepened, as the way we ‘work’ experiences a period of disruptive change. Labour markets are particularly affected by the disruptions, with deep repercussions on employment and inequality. Women and young people are the hardest hit. In …

Decent Jobs for Youth & Generation Unlimited Launch New Knowledge Facility, YouthForesight

YouthForesight will serve as a one-stop-shop providing curated publications, databases, tools and multimedia resources to support evidence-based action on young people’s education and skilling, employment, entrepreneurship, and engagement. Geneva/New York, 4 May 2021 – The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth (DJY) and Generation Unlimited (GenU) unveiled today YouthForesight …

The Entrepreneurship Paradox – from Mirzapur to Mumbai

Flash-forward to India 2030, the year by which humankind aims to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Picture Vidya, a 25 year old young woman aspiring to be the future of change, still scrounging for resources, turning to entrepreneurship as a means of subsistence in the by lanes of Mirzapur, Uttar …