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From MDGs to SDGs – Creating Decent & Green Jobs for Inclusive Growth
Even as India continues to record impressive economic growth, extreme poverty and inequality remain a major challenge that haunts the growth story. As per the National Sample Survey Organisation, average income of the richest is 12 times that of the poorest in the urban areas in 2000, increasing 15 times …
The New Aid Landscape
The last decade has witnessed the evolution of a new landscape of development cooperation. The rise of new financial contributions and models for meeting international development objectives that are beyond the definition of traditional official development assistance has redefined the contours of development assistance. These new development contributions include non-development …
Future we Want
Envision India in 2047, celebrating 100 years of independence. Imagine a India where development means living in a healthy ecosystem with peace, justice and dignity for all; a India where prosperities are distributed fairly; a India where every child is educated and has access to nutritious food; a India where …
MDGs : An Indian Perspective