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Towards Financial Markets that are Accountable to Sustainability
It is not rare in this country that one hears of meetings, seminars, and consultations on various development themes. And when one stays in the capital city, Delhi, this is almost a daily affair, with designated centres – Indian Habitat Centre, Indian International Centre, Press Club of India – where …

Reducing Inequalities and Ensuring Access to Basic Needs
India is welcoming a trend of growth and development; at the same time the population is growing too. However, the standard of living is increasing only for a certain segment of people, environmental challenges are becoming evident, and access to resources is increasingly becoming inequitable. In order to make a …

Managing our Natural Systems in a Holistic, Systemic and Inclusive Manner
Natural systems are crucial to the functioning of our economy and maintaining the quality of life. Biotic and abiotic resources derived from our natural systems are either used to make products, or function as sinks (soil, air, and water) that absorb emissions. However, as per statistics, 80% of India’s surface …

What to Measure – the ‘How’ or the ‘Change’

Inter-linkages between MSMEs and High Impact Sectors
TARAgram Yatra 2017, eighth in the annual event series of Development Alternatives, focused on developing ‘Economies for People and Planet’. While attempting to understand the economies that are sustainable, the yatra tried to explore various driving forces that are responsible for developing an ecosystem to support a sustainable economy. The …