Introducing: Mainstreaming Alternative Perspectives – South Asia



Who We Are

Mainstreaming Alternative Perspective – South Asia (MAP-SA) aims to support and accelerate the transition to a new green economy. An economy that promotes the well-being of its people and the planet while ensuring development and growth that is sustainable, inclusive and resilient.

MAP-SA is coordinated by Development Alternatives as the South Asian partner for the global movement for a new economy (green economy coalition). Through this initiative we aim to collect, synergize and build a southern perspective for a transition to a new economy.

What We Do

Our MAP aims to capture alternative models of development led by new economy actors that are catalyzing the transition in the region. It creates a platform for our communities, organisations, and individuals to interact, learn and share on-the-ground experiences and practices. Through our iLab we will capitalize on this repository of knowledge by strengthening and positioning the mapped new economy actors to reinforce and scale-out the transition. It will provide them with a space to ideate, innovate, connect and co-create.

trialogue 2047 is a series of intellectual encounters that envision a century of India as nation, going beyond the conventional two-sided debate format. It aims to provide a forum that can engage with a well-informed audience to identify new directions India must choose and the policies and measures it must adopt to accelerate a transition towards a sustainable tomorrow. Our Publications will disseminate knowledge on alternative models of development.

Join Us

If you think you or your organisation are an agent of change join our journey and map yourself!

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