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Sustainable Future

Notions of Sustainability in the Built Environment

India stands at the cusp of exponential urbanisation, with the urban population expected to double to 1 billion people by 2050. As hubs of concentrated human activity, cities have amplified social, environmental, and economic impacts and are also more vulnerable to the intensifying poly-crisis of climate change, disaster risk, pollution, …

COP29: Another ‘Defining Moment’ for Climate Action

COPs (Conferences of the Parties) come and go. Each year, governments, businesses and civil society organisations gather together in large numbers and at considerable expense and emission to halt the lemming-like march of humanity towards the climatic cliff just ahead of us. The ambitious goals we set each year often …

Means of Implementation: Role of technology, finance, and institutions

Creating a sustainable future for the Nation means that all the spheres of human activity – economic, social, environmental, governance and, above all, value systems – must function together at a whole new level of coherence and synergy. Previous trialogue 2047 discussions have explored the principles of designing a national development strategy …