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Ecosystem Services


The benefits that human populations gain from healthy and functioning ecosystems are vast. Clean drinking water filtered by forests, carbon stored in plants or soil, crop pollination by wild insects and pharmaceutical uses of plants are just a few examples of services humans usually receive for free. A recent wave …

TARAgram Yatra 2015: Resource Efficiency for an Urbanising India

The year 2015 stands out as a landmark year when the world got together to agree upon a universal agenda for growth i.e. the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is essential for our country to align our national priorities with these goals and targets and track national progress with the …

Solutions for new urbanism in India: Smarter, Sustainable and Humane Cities

In a discussion that was centred around the much talked about topic of ‘smart cities’ in India at present; Professor Amitabh Kundu raised an important question- why the current plan for smart cities is focussing only on 100 ‘smart cities’ and why can’t 1000 ‘smart cities’ be envisioned in this …

2015 promises to be a Watershed year

There is growing evidence that the current levels of social inequity, environmental destruction and economic profligacy cannot last much longer; without massive political, ecological and economic disruption. On many fronts – the impending revolutions in the global economy, the transformations in geopolitical relationships, the generation of breakthroughs in science and …

Food Security- A Human Right and an Ethical Responsibility

Food security is a human right and is a fundamental ask for poverty eradication and sustainable development. As the world prepares for the post-2015 scenario by drawing up a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is crucial to have food security and agriculture to be adequately placed in the …

Climate Change Adaptation- An Expensive Affair!

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its 5th Assessment Report “Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability;” has once again echoed the critical global implications of climate change. According to the AR5 findings, climatic changes induced in the recent decades have already started impacting ecosystems and communities in …